Methods & Case Studies

Strategy Development


Digital Ethnography

Digital Ethnography is the process of using digital technologies to learn about the shared ambitions, behavior, culture, and experiences of communities across different issues...

CrowdsourcingNetwork AnalysisSocial MediaData-Powered Positive DevianceCommunity-Led Digital EthnographyThick DataLived Experiencesocial listening
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Futures Studies

Futures Studies is the process of examining how systems could evolve over time in order to anticipate and prepare for multiple future outcomes...

ForecastingFutures CollaborationsTechnology-Driven ForesightFutures LiteracyHorizon ScanningBayesian ModellingPredictive Modelling
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While many of the methods included on the platform are new to the philanthropic sector, these methods have been tried and tested in several other domains.

The Gartner Hype Cycle is a framework that can be used to assess the maturity level of digital innovations and whether they will be sustained overtime. The following figure summarizes our distillation of where the methods included in DATA4Philanthropy are situated within the Hype Cycle. This positioning was based on our own sense-making of the method performs in terms of the following questions: